![]() My six year old said to me this morning, Mummy I know where God lives! "He lives up there (pointing to the sky) on a cloud". I said "you know where I think God lives, I think he lives in your heart and everyone's heart", He smiled secretly and said "I know what his power is!" He said "his power is that he loves and helps everyone!" I was a little astounded at this as we are not church going people and he goes to French school so therefore receives no religious instruction from the school program. I was therefore very curious as to how he knew this and his answer equally surprised me. He said," No one, I just know it!" This is my son who was born with a raspberry heart shaped birthmark on his chest. I have always thought that he came to bring love into our lives and now I wonder if he brings much much more!
![]() The breath is our first autonomous act in our first precious moments on earth. Before birth there is a oneness where the concept of opposites does not exist. With our first breath we are confronted with the life defining function of breathing in life giving oxygen and breathing out the toxic waste of carbon dioxide. Forever destined to be the opposite of each other. Our waste then goes on to give life to plant kingdom and vice versa and the delicate balance of nature continues. For many, this first breath is taken in shock and pain, the harsh air burning delicate throats and lungs and immediate cord clamping cutting off the flow of oxygen and nutrient rich cord blood. This shocking memory sits in every cell and causes fear to accompany our thoughts about the breath. In response we choose not to breathe deeply, not to take in this full life giving and purifying substance. We resist, we hold back, we breathe shallowly not willing to return to those sensations. Breathing consciously and deeply is one of the most therapeutic, healing acts we can do. Practice breathing deep into your high chest and low into your belly and see what happens! When you are angry - BREATHE When you are sad - BREATHE When you are excited - BREATHE When you are afraid - BREATHE When you are ill - BREATHE When you don't know what to do - BREATHE If you are like me you may have watched the film "The Secret", or read self help books, thinking that they would teach you about the mysterious art of manifesting and that once dutifully watched or read, the universe would miraculously answer all your prayers and grant all your wishes just like the genie in the lamp.
For years I completely understood that "Manifesting my own reality" was possible and I tried many methods of affirmations and thought processes that was going to bring me all the success in the world, alas nothing seemed to change! I tried to live in an "attitude of gratitude" however, I just couldn't sustain it and I became frustrated with my apparent lack of progress. What changed for me was that during a "Source Process & Breathwork" Seminar, I realised that of course everyone can "get what they want", however thinking about what you wanted wasn't enough! What you believe and focused action were the missing pieces of the puzzle. DECIDE-BELIEVE-ACT-RECEIVE Step 1: Decide what it is that you want to CREATE, get very clear! This step is probably the easiest to achieve and where most people get stuck and then can't understand why their desire isn't fulfulled! Step 2: Believe that you WILL achieve your desires and that you DESERVE to achieve them! There is no room for doubt in this process, you must TRUST that it is going to happen and then you must believe that you deserve success. Many of you are held back by feelings of low self worth and that you are undeserving of having your dreams fulfilled. You need to heal the negative decisions that you have made about yourself as early as birth, early childhood or maybe even in a past life. There are many methods to do this, I have used breathwork very successfully, however you need to find the one that is right for you! Step 3: Take focussed action which supports your chosen desire. There is no point deciding you want a new job, if you don't start searching for it or setting about reskilling so you can get the job you want. The more you do the faster you will achieve your goal! Discipline, committment and work are required here! Step 4: Be willing to receive your success! This step is very important as a lot of people sabotage their own success by not following through all the steps and then not stepping up to enjoy the success. This goes back to Step 2, if you don't sort out your self beliefs then you will find it difficult to receive good fortune once it starts coming your way. Good Luck (luck has nothing to do with it) ![]() My daughter and I received a lesson the other day in why it is so important to say YES! It was the first windy cold day of the winter season and she was supposed to go to her horse riding lesson. She asked me if she could not go and although it would have eased the stress of my very busy day, I said that she needed to go. We got there and she was cold, not having dressed warmly enough. Once again she begged me to let her miss the lesson. This time there was no way that I was even tempted to let her miss it as I had now driven there anyway. In the end she was the only one there and she received a whole hour private lesson! She was chuffed and so was I. The universe rewards people who say YES! Yes comes with a vibrant creative energy! No stops the flow of energy! If you want to be in flow with the universe , then say YES as often as you can and watch the magic happen! Everything is energy and that’s all there is to it. Match the frequency of the reality you want and you cannot help but get that reality. It can be no other way. This is not philosophy. This is Physics!
Albert Einstein Perception is based on expectations and expectations are influenced by our beliefs, experiences and all the memories stored in our sub conscious database. Our mind processes the information that it receives via the senses based on the information that it already has stored. How you perceive the world is your own individual reality! It may be similar to someone else’s, however you contain your own unique database of beliefs, experiences, emotions and memories, therefore your interpretation of the world (perception) is always unique to you and as such your personal reality is also unique. In general we are not taught this principle and this lack of understanding creates conflict between individuals, families, cultural groups and nations. We assume that we are seeing and interpreting the same thing and in so many cases we are not. We have our own mind's view and we have convinced ourselves that it is so. Understanding that our perception is just our own interpretation allows us to open up to the possibility that there is other realities if we change our thinking. This the key to liberation and self healing. This the key to our own power, the power to create a NEW reality! Thought is energy! Emotion is energy(thought) in motion! Experience is thought (energy) + action (energy)!
You are the product of all your thoughts, from birth & beyond to this day! If you want to know what your life will be in 5 years time, take the time to really know what you are thinking NOW! Your conscious thoughts are only 5% of all your thoughts therefore to really know what you are thinking, you need to access your subconscious thinking as well. For example: Your conscious thought is I want a new job, your subconscious thoughts are I am not good enough to get the job I really want, I don't have enough experience, I am not qualified enough, I don't interview well, I am too quiet, people don't like me etc, and therefore the RESULT is you don't get the job you really want and then that reinforces all your subconscious thoughts and keeps you STUCK! Changing negative thought patterns, especially subconscious ones, is the KEY to creating HEALING; physically, emotionally and spiritually. |
AuthorLynne Thorsen - Contributing Author in bestselling Adventures in Manifesting Series, Holistic Coach & Empowered Birth Educator Archives
March 2013
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